7 Simple Tips to Wake Up With More Energy and Clarity

Imagine trying to lead your life but you are sick all the time. Or you intend to have a powerful day but you feel like your energy is low and your brain is so foggy.

Here's the good news, cleaning and clearing your energy is in your hands. In this article, I will teach you simple ways to wake just wake up earlier so you can get started off the right foot with more energy.

I am a big fan of cleaning the small/simple things in life before tackling the heavy hitters. Here are 7 simple ways for you to proactively wake up with more energy.

1. Establish Consistency With Your Sleep

Consistency is a crucial first step. Without this, all the other tips, techniques, and tactics will not be effective.

"What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while." A quote by Jeff Olson from his book The Slight Edge and he has a point!

Going to bed early one night, but late the next night will interrupt positive momentum.

Constant Interruptions = Mental and Physical Fatigue. You will feel like a truck hit you in the morning. Create a structure that works for you.

Remember, at the end of the day it matters not what time you wake up. What matters more is waking up at the same time most days.

Consistency is King.

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is crush 1/2 a liter of water. You can lose up to 1.5 pounds of water in your body during sleep.

Breathing, sweating, and getting up in the middle of the night to urinate all contribute to this.

And if you're not properly hydrated, it will impact your brain function and energy levels. An extra tip is to add salt and lemon to your water to help replenish electrolytes as well.

3. Eliminate The Snooze Button

You snooze you lose... but actually.

We talked about interruptions above on the 1st tip. The same applies in the morning when your alarm goes off.

Snoozing, going back to sleep, and then waking up again 10 minutes later really messes with you. You're confusing your body.

Turn off the snooze function on your alarm clock.

Place it in your bedroom, but at a location where you'll need to get up to turn it off.

This will help you reestablish a new habit. That's what it is really, a bad habit.

4. Clean Up Your Habits

Speaking of habits... you probably have installed more than just the snooze button.

What are you doing before bed?

Are you on your cell phone checking messages and emails first thing?

When you first wake up in the morning, your body and brain need high-value nourishment.

It needs water, maybe a bit of movement, or meditation.

Take an inventory of your habits and start cleaning them up.

A great read for this is Atomic Habits by James Clear. Not only does he talk about eliminating old toxic habits, but he shows effective ways to create long-lasting new ones.

5. A Distraction-Free Morning Routine

My personal favourite tip to be honest.

Each morning is sacred, how can you build a routine (or ritual) that will help you start the day off right?

In the book 5 am Club by Robin Sharma, he says "Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life.”

It will take masterful effort and consistency at first.

I guarantee you that once it's established and programmed into you,  your energy will be flowing effortlessly each morning and even throughout the day!

It doesn't need to be extravagant. A simple 20-30 minute routine that consists of one practice for your mind, body, and soul.  Ex: Meditation, Stretching, and Journaling. 10 minutes each. (Bonus tip: Have your device far away from you.)

6. Get Into Your Body And Out Of Your Mind

Ever heard of the term 'Embodiment'? It's become a bit of a buzzword these days. Regardless it's a really important one to keep around.

Essentially embodiment means to be in your body.

We spend SO much time in our minds. We are looking at screens, thinking about the past, and the future, and worrying about our lives.

Now the mind is a powerful ally, however, we are accessing it at the wrong times.

Bring more harmony to yourself by dropping down. So what does it mean to be embodied? How do you even go about that?

Start by bringing your attention and awareness to your body. How does it feel? Where is it tense? What part is feeling strong or stiff? Breathe down into those areas.

By practicing embodiment you are bringing more balance, with more balance means less stress, and less stress equals more energy!

7. Plan Your Morning The Night Before

If you're scrambling and figuring out what to do in the morning after you wake, you will already be off to a clunky start.

Do yourself a favour and get priorities straight the night before so that when you wake up you can get straight into self-care.

Allocate one hour before you sleep and pull out your journal to write down 10 things you want to accomplish the next day.  (Both personal and work-related)


There you have it!

7 easy ways you can wake up with more energy.

I'm going to borrow a quote from the book Essentialism by Greg Mckeown:

"Essentialism is not about how to get more things done; it's about how to get the right things done."

Focus on these steps and see what works and what doesn't for you.

At the end of the day, these suggestions are meant to get you started on the right foot.

The most valuable next step is to define for yourself what that recipe is that works.


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